The weather seem to have won

jeudi 13 avril 2023 par Lagniappe |

Nous avons parlé du déjeuner dans un restaurant local, de la gentrification, strikes, des grèves, de la retraite, de la zfe et de la pollution.

Dear Lagniappe Family and Friends,

Long live our favorite guest. Thanks to Mr. Gelato, we had the opportunity to have the show. We were even able to load up videos of the show on youtube via one of our sister ventures @tavoie.

We spoke about lunch at a local restaurant, gentrification, strikes, greves, retirement and zfe and pollution.

There were strikes, but eariler in the day - the weather is stronger than strikes in certain areas, but then again not all over France.

In any case, below you’ll find the playlist that almost wasn’t and still may not be😅(just take a quick look in case)

13 avril 2023 - The Weather Seem to Have Won
Télécharger (mp3 - 127.3 Mio) / Popup

Rebirth Brass Band - Roll With It (Intro)
Avua - Bentivi
Earl King - Street Parade
Tall Black Guy ft. Yusef Rumperfield - Come With Me & Fly
Robert Glasper ft. H.E.R, Meshell Ndegeocello -
Better Than I Imagined
Rebirth Brass Brand - Roll With It Outro)

BTW Here is the information about ZFE and all :
La Prime à la Conversion Nationale :
Demande :
Les numeros de contact :
0800 7474 00 - Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h.
Locale :
05 61 222 222

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